Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Book Review: "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis

Annette already wrote her review of this book on her Book Barn Blog so I thought I'd post mine here.

I was the one who picked this book, but since May was pretty much the stinkiest month for me, I didn't start it until late in the month. I just couldn't bring my "insane" self to read such dark stuff. I was afraid it would make me even crazier than I was already feeling. Besides, all the "tempting" that was being talked about was a little too fresh in my mind as I felt like satan was doing a number on me already with my hubby working so much.

So, after life (and I) calmed down, I got to reading...albeit late in the game.
I'd have to say that I was somewhat confused during some of the reading due to all the "big words" that Lewis uses. Evidently I'm not as sophisticated in the English language as he is. But I did get the jest of what he was trying to convey. I guess that's why I had such a hard time reading it in the beginning. I could just see my 'tempter' talking about me to another 'lower tempter'--and I didn't want to think about all the ammunition they had. I was intrigued by the fact that this is quite possibly how 'tempters' work. With the Gospel foundation I can see how all this could play out; how sophisticated satan is in his tactics, how just as Christ knows everything about us, satan too, knows us but instead uses that knowledge to hurt us rather than help us. It was all very revealing and eye opening to me.

I wouldn't say this was my favorite book, but I'd rate it 3 1/2 out of 5. My biggest hangup: All the big words. Sorry Mr. Lewis!

1 comment:

Annette said...

I'm with you on the vocabulary. I was half tempted to keep my dictionary alongside me as I read. Can you imagine having that many words in your brain to choose from?! I wish!