Thursday, April 2, 2009

April: Goodbye, Mr. Chips by James Hilton

So I've chosen the book for April. I'm sorry it's a little slow in coming... The book I chose is Goodbye, Mr. Chips. It was recommended by my mom and sounded like a good, short read. (That's the kind I gravitate to these days.) I hope you'll all enjoy it! Find it on Amazon here.


Emily said...

Wasn't this a movie, too? I remember watching it a LOOOONNG time ago. I think it made me cry, but I don't remember why. Can't wait to read it. And short is good for me too. Don't know what I was thinking when I picked the Mayflower book--still not done yet!

Annette said...

I've seen the movie but never read the book! Yay!

Nancy said...

Got to get on top of my reading. Good pick, cant wait!!

Tricia said...

This was a movie. I haven't seen it but can't wait to watch it after reading the book. I'm thoroughly enjoying this read and hope you all are too!